In other news…

There will be more wedding photos I’m afraid (or I assure you, depending on how you feel about these things!), but life is more than just the big days, yes?

So back in January, I had a list of things I was going to think about/do in 2010.  Here we are, well into the year…how am I doing?  Here’s a little yin/yang for you:

Me, at the end of my first 5K.  I completed it in 33:11 — much better than I thought I would!  Two weeks later, Bethany (of Maid of Honor fame) & I ran another race in Philadelphia (because if you’re going to run one, why not two?).  We both finished in under 34:00 — crossing the finish line together.  Now let me tell you, I have never been a runner.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be a “runner,” but realizing that I am truly capable of running a race (even if it’s just 3 miles! oh, wait, I think 3 miles warrants a “just” — who am I?!) was HUGE.  Sadly, since getting back from Aruba I haven’t been as dedicated to exercising as I was before we left…and my body knows it!  Yesterday I hit the trail and am gearing up for another (to be determined) race.  Maybe an 5 miler? 8K?  Don’t head to Boston or NYC for a marathon quite yet, but this is one accomplished goal I’m proud of.

On the flip side… all that not exercising and too much of this (ok, and some wicked allergies) has lead to my current state of lethargy:

Nothing better to do with past their time bananas than to whip up some banana bread!  Baking and general in the kitchen goodness has been another item off my list that is working out in 2010.  K & I are making an effort to eat in more and cook together (it’s fun!).  He never turns down anything with chocolate in it, and, well, we got some great kitchen items as wedding gifts.  Might as well use them!  Here’s the recipe — make some banana bread for yourself! (except you poor folks who hate bananas….)

Now I just need to get on with the learning of fair isle…

3 thoughts on “In other news…

  1. Given the sorry state I was in when you brought this amazing banana bread to my house, it pretty much made my night (and next day too!) Next, please send the link for the tasty potato salad (to bloomcook AT!

  2. There is probably a long-distance runner lurking somewhere inside you if you are talking about “just” 3 miles. Join the club, give in, and before you know you’ll be tempted by the marathon- oh cruel mistress she is! Hope all goes well with the training for the next race!

  3. Aw man, if I’d known you were onto learning fair isle I would have sat you down while I was in DC.

    Still loving the idea of a 10K plan for 2011. Yeah!

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