
While we didn’t make to Sheep & Wool on Sunday, Pia and I did go on Saturday.  It rained a bit on our way out there, but it more or less stopped once we arrived.  This year was my first year at MDSW.  I’d been told by many what an experience it is, and they weren’t kidding!    The fairground is quite large and there were several pavilions which held vendor after vendor (raw fleece, processed fleece, yarn, spindles, spinning wheels, dye, sheep stuff, etc. etc….the wool part, basically) + pavilions with the sheep part. and alpacas and goats and hay (sneeze!) and just outright fun.

I did a terrible job of documenting the day.  I only have a handful of photos, and none of the great folks we saw there.  Just a few sheep, alpacas, a bunch of spinning wheels (I am fascinated and thinking of expanding my fiber endeavors), and a few bags full of wool.    I was too busy taking it all in, fondling the fiber and spying out fabulous handknits that were to be seen.  I successfully finished the Storm Cloud Shawlette, so I was one of the crowd!  (FO pictures later this week, hopefully, if the sun ever comes out again).  You can see the pics I did manage to take here.

Pia and I had a great time, and each had our brushes with fame!  Pia was wearing her new handknit and got to meet the designer of said handknit.  While we were at the Ravelry Meetup, Mary-Heather (of Ravelry) noticed that my Rav name is Jessmary (a childhood nickname) and found it rather amusing.  She had our picture taken along with Jess (Jess, her husband Casey & Mary-Heather make Ravelry happen).

I didn’t walk away empty-handed, but was very good, too, and didn’t walk away with too much!  Stay tuned for a look at the purchases I made — I’m quite excited about a couple of them!  But again, the gray weather does not make for good picture-taking so I’ll have to wait a bit to get decent shots.

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